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Automatically checkling ranges and selecting contents based on a value

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Automatically checkling ranges and selecting contents based on a value

    hi all, can anyone help please?
    i attach a zipped excel file which contains the following sheets:

    parameters - allows the user to select a given "area" to report on
    report - this is where the output would be presented
    area a to area d - sheets containing the invidual data collected by each area.

    what i am looking for, if possible, is a way, via vba code, to look at the data in the 4 area sheets and, when the Reviewer has been selected in the drop down on the "parameters" sheet cell D3. copy the relevant data to the report sheet.
    In my example, you can see that it has returned 6 rows from area A and 1 row from area C.

    Any help, gratefully received.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Forum Expert MickG's Avatar
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    Mr Excell _Amy Taylor_Automatically checkling ranges and selecting contents based on a value
    Hi, Amy
    Try this, I've assumed the linked cell is "parameters"- range("D3").
    This seems to work so far!
    Dim wksht As Worksheet, oRay, vNm As String
    Dim cl As Range, c As Integer, last As Integer
    Dim rng As Range, sNm As String
    vNm = Sheets("parameters").Range("D3").Value
    For Each wksht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        If wksht.Name <> "parameters" And wksht.Name <> "report" Then
      sNm = wksht.Name
    Set rng = Sheets(sNm).Range(Sheets(sNm).Range _
    ("c1"), Sheets(sNm).Range("c" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
        ReDim oRay(1 To rng.Count, 1 To 5)
      For Each cl In rng
        If cl.Value = vNm Then
            c = c + 1
            oRay(c, 1) = wksht.Name
                oRay(c, 2) = cl.Offset(, -2)
                    oRay(c, 3) = cl.Offset(, -1)
                        oRay(c, 4) = cl.Value
                            oRay(c, 5) = cl.Offset(, 1)
                         End If
                     Next cl
        End If
    last = Sheets("report").Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    If c > 0 Then
        Sheets("report").Range("a" & last).Resize(c, 4).Value = oRay
    End If
    c = 0
    Next wksht
    MsgBox "Code Complete"
    Regards Mick

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    mick, this is perfect.

    thanks soooo much for your help.
    amy x

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