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Multiple cells from Multiple sheets

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    Multiple cells from Multiple sheets

    I have built a macro to pull data in from multiple sheets to one summary sheet for 8 different areas. It works fine. the way I have it set up is that for every metric, I am in some cases drawing info from 8 different spreadsheets.
    then for the next metric I am drawing from the same 8 spreadsheets but different cells. Does it make any difference in terms of processing effieicency to pull all the info from 1 spreadsheet, then go to the next? The Macro is easier to read and modify the way I currently have it, but takes 10 minutes to run 48 cells. I do not have code to open or close the sheets first.
    Is there a "correct" way to do this?
    Last edited by VBA Noob; 02-29-2008 at 02:34 PM.

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