Need sheet VBA that when a code is put in column C, the amount beside it in column B is put in a column D thru U of the same row based on the code on row 4 of each column.
In other words, when the code is put in column C, VBA puts the amount in the same row, column B in the same column whose code is in row 4, for example:
_|__B__|__C_|__D_|__E__|__F__|__G__|__H__|__I__|__J__|__K__|, etc
4|_Amt_|Code|611_|_648_|_694_|_851_|_862_|_884_|_885_|_886_|, etc
5|22.01 862_________________________22.01
6|23.32 851___________________23.32
7|-4.88 611_-4.88
8|66.38 885_____________________________________66.38
9|-4.50 694______________-4.50
Thank you for all your help. mikeburg