After wee bit of help if at all possible, very new to exce..

I work in a franco machine hall and I track the money that is paid out every day from each machine. There are 36 machines in total.

I have 7 worksheets, labelled Monday to Sunday, and one work sheet called week summary. Within each work sheet I have a section for my machine payouts. I have dedicated 40 rows to this, 2 columns. I use a drop down list to select the machine number and I then manually enter amount the machine paid out.

From each of the day work sheets I have cut and past special (paste link) the 40 rows containing the machine name and payout amount into the week summary work sheet. From my understanding this data (week summary) automatically updates when I enter machine readings in the day work sheets. So by the end of the week I have all the payout data from each day in the summary work sheet.

Hears the problem!!

I would like this data, in the summary work sheet, to auto sort itself when ever I enter new data in the days work sheets. Thus grouping all the machine readings for each day together.. Hope this is making sense so far. I would then like to somehow add each machine payout together (for hole week, not just days) to give me a total of what each machine paid out that week.

I know this is possible using macros but to be honest I am a complete airhead when it comes to these.

When I take the reading manually from the machines they tell me what each machine paid out for the week. At the moment, If my total actual machine payouts (read from machine) does not match my total recorded cash payouts (ones in daily work sheets, money out) then I have to go through each day, find Each machine and add up all the totals to give me total cash paid for that machine for the week and see if the actual machine readings match. This way I can trace back where mistakes have been made. Confused, well I am lol

Any ideas on how 2 go about this would be greatly appreciated,
Many may thanks in advance
