Hi there,

I'm hoping that somebody in the forum can help me with this conundrum...

I have a large Excel spreadsheet, approx. 22 columns by 1,500 rows. I have created a Pivot Table that allows me to view the data exactly as I need it. However I am unable to apply alternate row shading for the Pivot table results.

As you know when you run the Pivot query a new worksheet is automatically created which displays the results therefore I have no idea how to create a formula to introduce alternate row shading (if one is needed).

I am familiar with Conditional Fomrmatting and have used the following query on my spreadsheet to get alternate row shading and it works fine.


It's just with the Pivot results that I am having problems with. I appreciate any help or support that anyone can provide.

Just to clarify, I am not creating any bar chart reports, I just need to be able to view the output in the standard Pivot table export except with the alternate row shading!

I'm thinking that the solution coould lie with either VBA or a Macro of some kind but am only guessing...

Thanks in advance!
