I'm having problems programming a template that I am developing. I am some what a cross between a novice and intermediate. Most of what I know has been self taught. I'll try to articulate my problem.
I am working with to column ranges where data is selected using the built in validation drop list in excel.
2) I have the worksheet change vb function that runs a macro if something is changed on the sheet.
3)the code to be run should check both column ranges. If the text in each cell meets acriteria then put a value in an adjacent field.
4) I have never used case statements before and was told its best to use these because of the various permutations that need to be performed.
Range 1 = "performanceInd"
Range 2 = "behaviourInd"
(there is a column between both ranges not sure if this makes a difference)
the macro is basically saying this
Select Case Range("performanceInd:behaviourInd").Text
'if the user selects outstanding and outstanding from both ranges then set prprating to "A"....
Case "outstanding:outstanding"
Range("prprating").Value = "A"
'Case Else
'Range("prprating").Text = ""
End Select
End Sub
'its saying if an individual gets a performance marking of outstanding and a behavioural marking of outstanding then give marking "A" in an adjacent cell to the individual.
I can send file if it helps although I think I have provided enough info. Grateful for some help. Thanks a million in advance.