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Phantom Excel.EXE Process

  1. #1
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    Phantom Excel.EXE Process

    I have an Excel file with user controls. The controls include a couple of drop-down boxes and a button.

    The user makes some selections, then clicks the button. The VBA code in the Click event of the button creates a new Excel.Sheet object as follows:
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    This is late binding I guess.

    It does some data populating using ADO & formatting with this newly created object and then saves it.

    At the end of the code, I am closing this object and also setting all the objects to Nothing .

    Once everything is done running, I close the generated excel file and also the main file (which I call the 'User Options' file). I close all instances of Excel. For some reason, there is an EXCEL.EXE process still running in Task Manager. My first guess was that there was memory leak in the code. I have checked the code thoroughly and have not found any leaks.

    Here is the code, in general.

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    Can someone please help me figure out why it is leaving the Excel Process running, and what I can do about it?


    Last edited by royUK; 02-19-2008 at 11:59 AM.

  2. #2
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    Welcome to the Forum. Please read the Forum Rules & use Code tags when posting code.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Phantom Excel.EXE Process

    I have the same phantom excel process problem, but I have not scripts in excel. I have a power automate flow that opens an excel spreadsheet, adds a row to the bottom of a set or rows, saves then closes excel.

    The first time I run the flow it works great. But, it can't open the workbook again because a phantom process is left over. I can see it in task manager and kill it. Then the flow works again.

    The attached image is a screenshot of the entire flow.

    Attachment 832789

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Phantom Excel.EXE Process

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