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Finding max -

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    Finding max- comparing many columns of data

    I have a list of daily returns for a group of stocks, each in its own column. For instances a1 contains "MSFT", and A2-A500 contains a daily return. I have about 100 stocks in one worksheet in this format.

    I would like to create a macro that looks at the 100 stocks, and outputs what the return would have been had I invested in the stock that had performed the best over the last 10 days. The output could be in a column to the right of where the data ends.

    I would also like to be able to specify the '10' days, maybe 1 days maybe 20. I would also like to buy the top x number of stocks over the last n days (equally) and see what the return would have been. I need a little help getting started on this.
    Last edited by Paul987; 02-17-2008 at 11:47 PM.

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