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I have a data file that ID #'s and their associated reponses to various questions asked. In addition to their coded responses to multiple choice questions, they are also given the option to provide additional comments, however that is not required. Therefore some people write comments, and otehrs do not. I am trying to write a macro that would locate those respondents who wrote a comment (in column M) and then paste their comment and the related project # (in column B) and paste that onto the sheet for which the comments are for (identified in column F).
I'm not sure if this is even something that can be done, or if this is too complex, so any feedback and assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much in anvance! Below are some of the specifics that I tried to write out.
Select Sheet Raw Data
Search for the first active cell in column M
Within that row containing the active cell in column M:
Copy and Paste the following cells onto a new sheet in the first blank row on Sheet based on value in column F (detailed below)
If value in column F equals "Design Services" then copied selections (listed below) are copied into sheet name "Design Services"
Try the following VBA macro. It assumes your data sheet is named "Data"
Sub CopyComments()
Dim x As Long, stComment As String, stSheetName As String, stProjectNo As String
For x = 1 To Range(Range("M2"), Range("M65536").End(xlUp)).Rows.Count
If Range("M1").Offset(x, 0) <> "" Then
stComment = Range("M1").Offset(x, 0)
stSheetName = Range("M1").Offset(x, -7)
stProjectNo = Range("M1").Offset(x, -11)
Worksheets(stSheetName).Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = stProjectNo
Worksheets(stSheetName).Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = stComment
End If
Next x
End Sub