I am tring to copy some text from a word application to an excel cell. The text is to be copied from a Word.Range (wrng) object to an excel range object (erng) [Is there some better way to do this task than range to range copy?]. The text has some formatting also. For example its like “This is a sample text with bold character in it”. In this text the word ‘bold’ is actually bold. When I do
wrng.Copy() and then erng.PasteSpecial(..). It is not working as desired. I want the formatting information to be preserved after paste in the excel cell but its getting copied without formatting. the character ‘bold’ is not bold after the paste.
I am using Paste option of xlPasteAll (in which case the text is getting paste as a picture. When I use xlPasteFormat/xlPasteValue etc, txt gets paste without formatting info.
Can any body help as to how to achieve this task?
Thanks for your help in advance.