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New question about exiting a loop!

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    New question about exiting a loop!

    I have a loop!

    This loop gathers info from a database based on a user selected variable.

    I instruct the macro to go down the database line by line and pull out the info of the rows that match the user's selection.

    The loop does this and writes the info into a new worksheet.

    I however (At my boss's request) need to omit any row it found that have a 0$ value.

    So I need to, within the loop to end itself if it found a 0 value and skip tp the next row.


    Many thanks!

    Here's to code!

    PHP Code: 
    For FindLoop 2 To 7100
    Workbooks("TRANSLATION 2007-2008 oct-2007.xls").Worksheets("DATA").Cells(FindLoop22).Value
    If Info FindInfo Then
    ("TRANSLATION 2007-2008 oct-2007.xls").Worksheets("DATA").Cells(FindLoop44).Value "YES"
    Workbooks("TRANSLATION 2007-2008 oct-2007.xls").Worksheets("DATA").Cells(FindLoop44).Interior.ColorIndex 4
    Workbooks("TRANSLATION 2007-2008 oct-2007.xls").Worksheets("DATA").Cells(FindLoop1).Value
    Workbooks("TRANSLATION 2007-2008 oct-2007.xls").Worksheets("DATA").Cells(FindLoop3).Value
    Workbooks("TRANSLATION 2007-2008 oct-2007.xls").Worksheets("DATA").Cells(FindLoop9).Value
    Workbooks("TRANSLATION 2007-2008 oct-2007.xls").Worksheets("DATA").Cells(FindLoop4).Value
    Workbooks("TRANSLATION 2007-2008 oct-2007.xls").Worksheets("DATA").Cells(FindLoop18).Value
    Workbooks("TRANSLATION 2007-2008 oct-2007.xls").Worksheets("DATA").Cells(FindLoop34).Value
    'If RequestCost = 0 Then
    goto Next FindLoop
    'End If
        CostCenterNumber = Workbooks("TRANSLATION 2007-2008 oct-2007.xls").Worksheets("DATA").Cells(FindLoop, 22).Value
        a = a + 1
        Workbooks("Programme de rapport.xls").Worksheets("Donner").Cells(a, 3).Value = RequestNumber
        Workbooks("Programme de rapport.xls").Worksheets("Donner").Cells(a, 4).Value = Title
        Workbooks("Programme de rapport.xls").Worksheets("Donner").Cells(a, 2).Value = SubmissionDate
        Workbooks("Programme de rapport.xls").Worksheets("Donner").Cells(a, 1).Value = ClientName
        Workbooks("Programme de rapport.xls").Worksheets("Donner").Cells(a, 5).Value = WordCount
        Workbooks("Programme de rapport.xls").Worksheets("Donner").Cells(a, 6).Value = RequestCost
        TotalCostCenterCost = TotalCostCenterCost + RequestCost
        End If 

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date

    More to add!

    The three REM lines are were I need to cut out of the loop!

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