I have a sheet that has alot of part #'s in them. I am in the process of trying to do inventory on our store room. What I am finding is that there are parts in mulitple places in the store room. This process of auditing at least for now is done approx. weekly. So with that I have weekly inventory tabs and a master tab where I have pasted all the weekly data into. What I would like to be able to do is have a button that will generate a new sheet called Duplicate Records copy any rows that have duplicate part #'s from master to the new sheet "Duplicate Records" I appreciate anyones help with this issue. I tried looking around and found alot of information on how to find duplicates and delete them but not how find and isolate to a new sheet.
Example column D contains the serial part numbers.
12/7 B3 FQ 9008188 1
12/13 D1 GA C1 JH 9008373 1
12/7 B5 GA 9010088 1
12/12 C1 GB C1 GD 9011558 6
12/7 B6 BR 9017275 11
Thanks again for your help