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defining a years length(start and end dates)

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    defining a years length(start and end dates)

    i am updating a work calculator. i am stuck. the problem is the new rates for 2008 came into effect from 31-dec-2007, so i have to have the rates for 2007 to stop on 30-12-07.and 2008 to kick in when the 31-dec-07 is entered.i am doing this through the excel macro visual basic editor.

    any help on this code is appriciated


    p.s. if you need the program email me at
    Last edited by VBA Noob; 01-11-2008 at 07:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    How about sanitizing the workbook, zip it, and post it here?

  3. #3
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    here is the program code

    here is the program code split in 3 post as too large

    the year for 2007 should end on 30/12/07
    the year for 2008 should start on 31/12/07
    but the tax year ends in 31/12/07
    i think the problem is in the taxdb section
    or netdb section or dbadjust section in modfunction code.

    in macExepPay code
    the year for 2007 should end on 30/12/07
    the year for 2008 should start on 31/12/07
    i think the problem is in the macTaxYear and macCalculateDB sections

    modfuction code

    Function dbstartdate(rateyear As Integer) As Date

    If rateyear = 2006 Then
    dbstartdate = "1/1/2006"
    ElseIf rateyear = 2007 Then ' Update in 2007
    dbstartdate = "1/1/2007"
    ElseIf rateyear = 2008 Then ' Update in 2008
    dbstartdate = "31/12/2007"
    End If
    End Function

    Function dbenddate(rateyear As Integer) As Date

    If rateyear = 2006 Then
    dbenddate = "31 / 12 / 2006"
    ElseIf rateyear = 2007 Then
    dbenddate = "30 / 12 / 2007"
    ElseIf rateyear = 2008 Then 'update in 2008
    dbenddate = "31 / 12 / 2008"
    End If
    End Function

    Function netdbyear(taxyear As Integer, fromDate As Date, toDate As Date, dbrate As Currency) As Currency
    'Function to Calculate amount of DB
    '***created by Seán Lynch 2005
    '-------------------------------------- 2004
    If taxyear = 2004 Then
    '37987 1/1/2004
    '38017 31/1/2004
    Dim sevenDays As Integer
    Dim sevenDays1 As Integer
    Dim H As Integer

    sevenDays = toDate - fromDate 'Calculates 7 days

    H = 0 'set counter to 0

    For i = 0 To sevenDays
    If Weekday(xfrom + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If
    netdb = (H / 6 * dbrate) ' calculates the amount of DB
    End If
    '-------------------------------------- 2005
    If taxyear = 2005 Then
    '38353 1/1/2005
    '38355 3/2/2005
    '38717 31/1/2005
    Dim sevenDays As Integer
    Dim H As Integer

    sevenDays = toDate - fromDate 'Calculates 7 days

    H = 0 'set counter to 0

    For i = 0 To sevenDays
    If Weekday(xfrom + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If

    netdb = (H / 6 * dbrate) ' calculates the amount of DB
    End If

    End Function

    Function taxdb(taxyear As Integer, fromDate As Date, toDate As Date, dbrate1 As Currency, dbrate2 As Currency, prevTaxableDays As Integer) As Currency
    'Function to Calculate amount of taxable DB
    '***created by Seán Lynch 2005

    Dim sevenDays As Integer
    Dim sevenDays1 As Integer
    Dim H As Integer
    Dim H1 As Integer
    If taxyear = 2002 Then
    If fromDate >= 37619 Then 'above 29/12/02
    taxdb = taxabledb(fromDate, toDate, dbrate2, prevTaxableDays)
    ElseIf toDate <= 37618 Then '--------Below 28/12/03 0nly
    taxdb = taxabledb(fromDate, toDate, dbrate1, prevTaxableDays)
    ElseIf (fromDate <= 37618) And (toDate >= 37620) Then '----below 27/12/03 and above 29/12/03
    sevenDays = 37619 - fromDate
    sevenDays1 = toDate - 37619

    taxdb1 = taxabledb(fromDate, 37619, dbrate1, prevTaxableDays) ' how may taxable days from first part of 2002

    newTaxableDays1 = taxabledays(fromDate, 37619, dbrate1, prevTaxableDays)
    newTaxableDays = prevTaxableDays + newTaxableDays1

    taxdb2 = taxabledb(37619, toDate, dbrate2, newTaxableDays)
    taxdb = taxdb1 + taxdb2
    End If

    ElseIf taxyear = 2006 Then 'need 2006 here
    taxdb = taxabledb(fromDate, toDate, dbrate2, prevTaxableDays)
    ' End If

    ElseIf taxyear = 2007 Then 'need 2007 here
    taxdb = taxabledb(fromDate, toDate, dbrate2, prevTaxableDays)
    End If

    If taxyear = 2008 Then 'need 2008 here
    ' '--------------------------------------------------------------
    taxdb = taxabledb(fromDate, toDate, dbrate2, prevTaxableDays)

    End If
    End Function
    Function netdbnoyear(fromDate As Date, toDate As Date, dbrate As Currency) As Currency
    'Function to Calculate amount of DB
    '***created by Seán Lynch 2005

    Dim sevenDays As Integer
    Dim H As Integer

    sevenDays = toDate - fromDate 'Calculates 7 days
    H = 0 'set counter to 0

    For i = 0 To sevenDays
    If Weekday(fromDate + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If

    netdbnoyear = (H / 6 * dbrate) ' calculates the amount of DB

    End Function

    Function totalDays(fromDate As Date, toDate As Date) As Integer
    'Function to Calculate amount of DB
    '***created by Seán Lynch 2005

    Dim sevenDays As Integer
    Dim H As Integer

    sevenDays = toDate - fromDate 'Calculates 7 days
    H = 0 'set counter to 0

    For i = 0 To sevenDays
    If Weekday(fromDate + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If

    totalDays = H 'calculates the amount of Days

    End Function

    Function dbadjust(taxyear As Integer, fromDate As Date, toDate As Date, dbrate1 As Currency, dbrate2 As Currency) As Currency
    'Function to Calculate amount of DB for appropriate tax year.
    '***created by Seán Lynch 2005

    Dim sevenDays As Integer
    Dim sevenDays1 As Integer
    Dim H As Integer
    Dim H1 As Integer
    If taxyear = 2002 Then '1
    If fromDate >= 37619 Then 'above 29/12/02

    adj1 = InputBox("please enter adjustment for 2003 rate")
    sevenDays = toDate - fromDate 'Calculates 7 days
    H = 0 'set counter to 0

    For i = 0 To sevenDays
    If Weekday(fromDate + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If

    dbadjust = (H / 6 * (dbrate2 - adj1)) ' calculates the amount of DB
    ElseIf toDate <= 37618 Then '--------Below 28/12/02 0nly
    adj1 = InputBox("please enter adjustment for 2002 rate")
    sevenDays = toDate - fromDate 'Calculates 7 days
    H = 0 'set counter to 0

    For i = 0 To sevenDays
    If Weekday(fromDate + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If

    dbadjust = (H / 6 * (dbrate1 - adj1)) ' calculates the amount of DB
    ElseIf (fromDate <= 37618) And (toDate >= 37620) Then '----below 27/12/03 and above 29/12/03
    sevenDays = 37619 - fromDate
    sevenDays1 = toDate - 37619
    adj1 = InputBox("please enter adjustment for 2002 rate")
    adj2 = InputBox("please enter adjustment for 2003 rate")

    For i = 0 To sevenDays '-----------Loop for less than 27/12/03
    If Weekday(fromDate + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If

    For i = 0 To sevenDays1 '-----------Loop for greater than 28/12/03
    If Weekday(37619 + i) = 1 Then
    H1 = H1
    H1 = H1 + 1
    End If

    dbadjust = (((dbrate1 - adj1) / 6) * H) + (((dbrate2 - adj2) / 6 * H1))
    End If

    '------------------------------------------ ' Update in 2007
    ElseIf taxyear = 2007 Then
    sevenDays = toDate - fromDate 'Calculates 7 days
    H = 0 'set counter to 0

    For i = 0 To sevenDays
    If Weekday(fromDate + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If
    dbadjust = (H / 6 * dbrate1) ' calculates the amount of DB
    End If
    '-------------------------------------------- ' Update in 2008
    ElseIf taxyear = 2008 Then

    sevenDays = toDate - fromDate 'Calculates 7 days
    H = 0 'set counter to 0

    For i = 0 To sevenDays
    If Weekday(fromDate + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If
    dbadjust = (H / 6 * dbrate1) ' calculates the amount of DB
    End If

    End Function

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    code part2

    Function netdb(taxyear As Integer, fromDate As Date, toDate As Date, dbrate1 As Currency, dbrate2 As Currency) As Currency
    'Function to Calculate amount of DB for appropriate tax year.
    '***created by Seán Lynch 2005

    Dim sevenDays As Integer
    Dim sevenDays1 As Integer
    Dim H As Integer
    Dim H1 As Integer

    If taxyear = 2002 Then '1
    If fromDate >= 37619 Then 'above 29/12/02
    sevenDays = toDate - fromDate 'Calculates 7 days
    H = 0 'set counter to 0
    For i = 0 To sevenDays
    If Weekday(fromDate + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If
    netdb = (H / 6 * dbrate2) ' calculates the amount of DB

    ElseIf toDate <= 37618 Then '--------Below 28/12/02 0nly
    sevenDays = toDate - fromDate 'Calculates 7 days
    H = 0 'set counter to 0
    For i = 0 To sevenDays
    If Weekday(fromDate + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If
    netdb = (H / 6 * dbrate1) ' calculates the amount of DB

    ElseIf (fromDate <= 37618) And (toDate >= 37620) Then '----below 27/12/03 and above 29/12/03
    sevenDays = 37619 - fromDate
    sevenDays1 = toDate - 37619
    For i = 0 To sevenDays '-----------Loop for less than 27/12/03
    If Weekday(fromDate + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If

    For i = 0 To sevenDays1 '-----------Loop for greater than 28/12/03
    If Weekday(37619 + i) = 1 Then
    H1 = H1
    H1 = H1 + 1
    End If

    netdb = ((dbrate1 / 6) * H) + ((dbrate2 / 6 * H1))
    End If
    'ADD in 2006-> onwards here. !!Can use netdbnoyear!!
    ElseIf taxyear = 2006 Then
    sevenDays = toDate - fromDate 'Calculates 7 days
    H = 0 'set counter to 0
    For i = 0 To sevenDays
    If Weekday(fromDate + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If
    netdb = (H / 6 * dbrate1) ' calculates the amount of DB
    'End If
    ElseIf taxyear = 2007 Then
    sevenDays = toDate - fromDate 'Calculates 7 days
    H = 0 'set counter to 0
    For i = 0 To sevenDays
    If Weekday(fromDate + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If
    netdb = (H / 6 * dbrate1) ' calculates the amount of DB
    End If
    If taxyear = 2008 Then
    sevenDays = toDate - fromDate 'Calculates 7 days

    H = 0 'set counter to 0
    For i = 0 To sevenDays
    If Weekday(fromDate + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If
    netdb = (H / 6 * dbrate1) ' calculates the amount of DB
    End If

    End Function

    Function taxabledb(fromDate As Date, toDate As Date, dbrate As Currency, prevTaxableDays) As Currency
    'Function to Calculate Taxable amount of DB
    '***created by Seán Lynch 2005

    Dim sevenDays As Integer
    Dim H As Integer
    Dim H2 As Integer 'works out tax days

    sevenDays = toDate - fromDate 'Calculates 7 days
    H = 0 'set counter to 0
    For i = 0 To sevenDays
    If Weekday(fromDate + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If
    '----------------------- Working out taxable amount
    '---------------------------------'if previous taxable days > 36
    If (prevTaxableDays >= 36) Then
    taxabledb = (H / 6 * dbrate)
    '---------------------------------'if previous taxable days = 0
    ElseIf (prevTaxableDays = 0) Then
    H2 = H - 36
    If H2 < 0 Then
    H2 = 0
    End If

    taxabledb = (H2 / 6) * dbrate
    '---------------------------------'if previous taxable days > 0 and < 36
    ElseIf ((prevTaxableDays > 0) And (prevTaxableDays < 36)) Then
    H2 = (H + prevTaxableDays) - 36
    If H2 < 0 Then
    H2 = 0
    End If
    taxabledb = (H2 / 6) * dbrate
    End If

    End Function

    Function taxabledays(fromDate As Date, toDate As Date, dbrate As Currency, prevTaxableDays) As Currency
    'Function to Calculate Taxable Days
    '***created by Seán Lynch 2005

    Dim sevenDays As Integer
    Dim H As Integer

    sevenDays = toDate - fromDate 'Calculates 7 days
    H = 0 'set counter to 0
    For i = 0 To sevenDays
    If Weekday(xfrom + i) = 1 Then
    H = H
    H = H + 1
    End If
    taxabledays = H

    End Function

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    code part 3

    macExepPay code

    Sub macCalculateDB()
    Dim taxyear As Integer

    taxyear = Range("a1")

    'Update in 2008
    'If taxyear = 2008 Then 'Update in 2008
    ' dbrate1 = 2007 '* If the 2008 tax year uses part of the 2007 rate else 2008
    ' dbrate2 = 2008

    If taxyear = 2008 Then ' update in 2008
    dbrate1 = 2008 '* if the 2008 tax year doesnt use part of the 2007 rates
    dbrate2 = 2008

    ElseIf taxyear = 2007 Then 'Update in 2008 -> ElseIf
    dbrate1 = 2007
    dbrate2 = 2007

    Sub macTaxYear()
    'Macro that returns the years between from and to dates
    'Created by Seán Lynch 2005

    Dim xfrom As Date
    Dim yto As Date
    Dim taxyearfrom As Integer
    Dim taxyearto As Integer
    Dim yearcounter As Integer
    Dim r As Integer


    xfrom = Range("A20")
    yto = Range("B20")

    taxyearfrom = Year(xfrom)
    taxyearto = Year(yto)
    yearcounter = (taxyearto - taxyearfrom) + 1

    r = 1
    H = 2

    While yearcounter > 0
    Sheets("calcs").Cells(r, 3) = taxyearfrom
    Sheets("calcs").Cells(r, 4) = dbstartdate(taxyearfrom)
    Sheets("calcs").Cells(r, 5) = dbenddate(taxyearfrom)

    'If taxyearfrom = 2008 Then 'Update in 2008
    ' Sheets("calcs").Cells(r, 1) = 2007 '* If the 2008 tax year uses part of the 2007 rate else 2008
    ' Sheets("calcs").Cells(r, 2) = 2008

    If taxyearfrom = 2008 Then
    Sheets("calcs").Cells(r, 1) = 2008 'update in aug 2008
    Sheets("calcs").Cells(r, 2) = 2008 '* if the 2008 tax year doesn't use part of the 2007 rate

    ElseIf taxyearfrom = 2007 Then 'Update in 2008 to ElseIf
    Sheets("calcs").Cells(r, 1) = 2007
    Sheets("calcs").Cells(r, 2) = 2007

    Else: MsgBox ("Sorry there is no such rate please enter rates " & taxyearfrom)

    End If

    r = r + 1
    H = H + 1

    yearcounter = yearcounter - 1
    taxyearfrom = taxyearfrom + 1


    Sheets("calcs").Cells(1, 4) = xfrom
    Sheets("Calcs").Cells(r - 1, 5) = yto

    End Sub

    been at this all last week to fix but can't
    didnt write this code was just asked to update it for 2008


  6. #6
    Forum Contributor VBA Noob's Avatar
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    Please read forum rules below and then wrap your code as per rule 5

    VBA Noob

    Credo Elvem ipsum etian vivere
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    Please remember to wrap code.

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    Please add to your signature if you found this link helpful. Excel links !!!

  7. #7
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    wrap code

    sorry dont know how to do that.i have zipped the whole program but can't paste it onto the forum for help

  8. #8
    Forum Contributor VBA Noob's Avatar
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    xl03 & xl 07(Jan 09)
    at the start of the code enter
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    VBA Noob

  9. #9
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    here is the zipped program

    here is the zipped program

    problem1---- when date 24/12/07-6/1/08 the calculation(personal-full calculate) comes out correct i.e.
    6 days at rate 185.80 and 6 days at 197.30. showing the end of 2007 is 20/12/07 and the start of 2008 is 31/12/07.
    but if you enter just 24/12/07- 31/12/07 the result show a calulation of 7 days at 185.80 instead of 6 days at 185.0 and 1 day at 197.80.

    problem 2 ----- tax is calulated if the number of days is over 36. but since the tax year ends on the 31/12/07 (unlike the 30/12/07 whe the new pay rates start) the way i have the calculator now will calculate the end of the tax year as 31/12/07 if the date ends on the 31/12/07 but wont calculate 31/12/07 as the last date of 2007 if 2008 dates are included too.

    cheers for any help

    to zip the program i could only get it down to 121mb which is over the forum limit so had to copy the code into .txt file called mod function and macExceptional hope that this doesnt ruin the program

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