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Conditional formatting from separate pages

  1. #1
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    Conditional formatting from separate pages

    Is there a formula I can enter into the conditional formula palette that will allow me to format cells on one sheet based on a match found on a second sheet? ....or do I have to use VBA to do this??

    Here, specifically, is what I am trying to do:

    Sheet1 A1:AA200 contains a list of names.
    Sheet2 A1:A200 consists of a Range named MALE.
    Sheet2 B1:B200 consists of a Range named FEMALE.

    Consider, first...that some of the cells in BOTH named ranges may be blank.

    I want to format all of the cells in Sheet1 A1:AA200 to turn green if a match is found in the Range named MALE....and turn the cells red if a match is found in the Range named FEMALE.

    When I try to use the Range names in my formula...I get various errors.

    Please advise me if I need to use VBA to accomplish this. Writing VBA to do this should be relatively simple...but I would appreciate some sample code to use as a model, since my VBA coding skills are still in their infancy.

    Thanks, in advance, for any help you can give me.
    Last edited by VBA Noob; 01-09-2008 at 06:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    There's no reason why you can't use named ranges in your conditional formatting formulas, in fact when you need to reference another sheet that's the recommended method.

    What formulas did you try?

    If you select your whole range, i.e. sheet1!A1:AA200 with A1 the active cell (i.e. select A1 first) then just use this formula for MALE


    and similar for FEMALE

  3. #3
    Valued Forum Contributor Charles's Avatar
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    This a a simple code. Paste to a module.

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    There are other ways to do this, this is but 1 !
    Be Sure you thank those who helped.

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    Thanks for your response.

    If you select your whole range, i.e. Sheet1!A1:AA200 with A1 the active cell (i.e. select A1 first) then just use this formula for MALE


    and similar for FEMALE
    That was the first code I tried...and it worked, except for one thing.....

    Each BLANK cell in range A1:AA200 was formatted RED, since Condition 1 was being met...(due to one or more BLANK cells in MALE).

    I need cells to retain their original format if no match exists in MALE or FEMALE...or if there is no name in a particular cell (i.e.: Sheet1!A1 is blank).


    Your VBA looks like something I can work with. I think VBA is the way to go, anyhow....since I want the formatting to work in the event that any conditional formatting is inadvertently wiped out by the user.

    Thank you both, for your excellent replies.

  5. #5
    Valued Forum Contributor Charles's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HuskerBronco
    Each BLANK cell in range A1:AA200 was formatted RED, since Condition 1 was being met...(due to one or more BLANK cells in MALE).
    If cells are completely blank then the formula I suggested shouldn't result in them being formatted. If your cells contain "formula blanks", i.e. "" returned by a formula then you can avoid formatting with a simple tweak to the above, i.e.


  7. #7
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    Hey guys....I hope you are still there...!!

    You, first, Charles....

    I Rt-clicked the sheet tab for Sheet1 one of my spreadsheet and entered your VBA. (I added the missing "L" in this line of your code, first):

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    Next, I ran the VBA...and everything seemed to work flawlessly.
    Sheet1 quickly became a grid of GREEN and RED cells...(with a few unformatted cells for names not found in either list).

    I wanted to test the VBA by entering a few names, and deleting a few names from both MALE and FEMALE ranges on Sheet2. After doing so, I clicked back to Sheet1 to see if the cell formatting had changed. It had NOT!!! The cells were the SAME color as they were after I initially ran the Sub. So, I went to Sheet2, and deleted the ENTIRE list of names in the MALE range. I expected that there would be NO FORMATTING in the cells containing MALE names....but there was!!! In fact, the formatting had not changed in ANY of the cells on Sheet1.

    Also, I have a macro that sorts Sheet1 alphabetically. After running this macro, all cells retained the formatting from the original sortation. (Meaning...if cell A1 had been formatted GREEN, it remained GREEN even if the name in that cell had changed to a FEMALE name.

    At this point, I figured that I must be doing something wrong. I began to assume that I needed some kind of event to trigger this VBA, but I had no clue how to trigger it. In an attempt to get Sheet1 freshly formatted, I opened the VBE and triggered the VBA from there.

    This time.... ....I got an error message:

    Run-time error '1004':
    Application-defined or object-defined error

    What am I doing wrong, here.....???


    Yes, some of the cells in the MALE and FEMALE ranges are "formula blanks".
    As I mentioned earlier...I initially had formulas identical to yours as Condition 1 and Condition 2 of my conditional formatting. This meant that any BLANK cells in the conditionally formatted range would turn RED...because they were meeting Condition 1.

    I changed the formulas in the manner that you suggested:

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    And when I clicked OK....NOT ONE of the cells on Sheet1 was formatted...!!!
    And furthermore, when I tried to return to the original formulas...(get this...!!!)...there was STILL NO FORMATTING on Sheet1. And now, for some reason or other...I can't even get those OLD conditional formats to work.

    What could possibly be the problem...???
    Last edited by HuskerBronco; 01-14-2008 at 06:09 PM.

  8. #8
    Valued Forum Contributor Charles's Avatar
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    The color index on sheet 1 will not change even if the names within the list on sheet1 changes . You set the code to say if the name in either ranges are not found then the color index changes to what ever you say.

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    I was very confused after reading your latest post. So, I studied the code to see if I could understand what you were getting at...and I think I do. Tell me if I've got this right....

    Consider the name currently in Sheet1!A1.

    The first thing that the code does...is look into the MALE range...checking for any name that matches the name in A1. If it finds a match, the cell is formatted green. If no match is found, then the code looks at the names in the FEMALE range...to see if ANY of them match the name in cell A1. If a match is found...the cell is formatted red. If no match is found in either range, the cell retains it original format.

    If I've got that right, then it becomes clear that the code is working in reverse of what I need. Since names will be constantly added to, and deleted from, both the MALE and FEMALE range...I need code that will look at cell Sheet1!A1 FIRST...and THEN check each range for a match...formatting the cells accordingly if a match is found. In addition to that, the name currently occupying Sheet1!A1 may be sorted to a different cell during the alphabetization process. If that happens, the cell would have to be reformatted to properly identify the *** of the NEW occupant of Sheet1!A1, as well as formatting the new location of Sheet1!A1's former occupant.

    This would allow me to add or delete names from either range, AND/OR sort Sheet1....and still have each cell properly formatted.

    Can this be done....?? Or should I try a different approach...??

  10. #10
    Valued Forum Contributor Charles's Avatar
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    Sorry if the program is confusing to you, but the program does look at the list in sheet1 first.
    It starts with the first name and then loops thru the ranges in sheet 2. If found for either male or female it should use the color index's
    It first goes thru the "male" range on sheet2 if not found it will then go thru the "female" range. If neither is found the sheet1 name will remain without color.(unless you added a name on sheet1 that had the cell fromatted for either cat. and that name was not in sheet2 the color will remain)
    It will then go to the second name in the list and sherch sheet2. and so on.
    If you add names or sort names when you run the program it should re-color the name if the name in that location on sheet1 has changed. If it was a male name it should be the color you specified, and to for the female name.

    I modified the code so that if name not matched it will remove the color index.

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    Last edited by Charles; 01-15-2008 at 10:01 AM.

  11. #11
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    Hello Charles....

    Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.
    I attached your latest code to the end of my SORT macro...and it worked exactly as planned.

    In your last reply, you stated:

    If neither is found the sheet1 name will remain without color.(unless you added a name on sheet1 that had the cell fromatted for either cat. and that name was not in sheet2 the color will remain)
    This was exactly the case...and something that had to be corrected, since the names in the cells on Sheet 1 were constantly being changed each time the SORT macro was run.

    My simple solution was to add the following code AHEAD of your code...to clear the formatting prior to your code's execution.

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    The unfortunate side effect of all of this...??? ...My SORT macro now takes longer to run...(about 10-12 seconds).
    Since I have ScreenUpdating set to FALSE on the macro...I now need to figure out how to attach a STATUS BAR to the macro so that the user doesn't feel like nothing is happening, or that the program has hung.

    Going to get to work on that, right now.

    Thanks a bunch for your help with this.
    I've learned a great deal more about VBA from this exercise.

  12. #12
    Valued Forum Contributor Charles's Avatar
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    I don't think it's necessary for the code to set Font style to Regular.
    The below code may be a little faster.

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    Hello, again, Charles....

    In your last reply, you stated the following:

    I don't think it's necessary for the code to set Font style to Regular.
    I failed to mention that my SORT macro sets Sheet1 matches to bold.
    (Actually, I modified YOUR code to do so...before I added it to my SORT macro).
    Therefore, I needed to reset the font prior to running your new code.

    I considered leaving the font 'Regular' throughout the sort process...to speed up the macro.
    After removing that code...and removing code to reset the font to 'Regular'...
    the macro execution time wasn't noticeably diminished.

    Perhaps I could reply with the exact code I am using in my workbook...and you might see other ways that I might speed up this macro. I am sure, due to my inexperience with VBA, that some of my code is redundant...or even completely unnecessary.

    Would you be interested in glancing at this code, and offering your advice??

    I thank you for the help that you have given me, so far. The educational value of this forum is "off the charts". I have yet to post a question that couldn't be answered to my satisfaction. I can't thank you enough for the time and thoughtfulness that you put into this forum.

    My thanks go out to the following moderators and registered users, as well:

    VBA Noob - kraljb - duane - Bryan Hessey - Special-K - JR@SGC - tony h - jtp - davesexcel - Carim - MSP77079 - vane0326 - Dav - Clayton Lock - rylo - dominicb - Norie - downforce - Leith Ross - Mikerickson - ChemistB - Aladin Akyurak - and last but not least...daddylonglegs.

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