Many thanks this will help me move forward.
with my activities
Many thanks this will help me move forward.
with my activities
If you use the CODE wrapping tags around your formula, the forum will display your formula correct without spaces. Just select your formula and press the # button when you write your reply. The formula will appear like this:
=IF(COUNTIF($F$2:$F$145,$V$5)<ROWS(X$7:X7),"",INDEX(G$2:G$145,SMALL(IF($F$2:$F$145=$V$5,ROW(A$2:A$14 5)-ROW(A$2)+1),ROWS(X$7:X7))))
Thanks Bjornar but for some reason it doesn't work for me. It's also been converted to lower case! I've had all sorts of problems with this site for a few days - database errors, connection reset, connection time out - so perhaps there's a problem at my end.
=if(countif($f$2:$f$145,$v$5)<rows(x$7:x7),"",inde X(g$2:g$145,small(if($f$2:$f$145=$v$5,row(a$2:a$14 5)-row(a$2)+1),rows(x$7:x7))))
It's not only you which have the problems. It's the same with me. Keeps getting database errors, timeout etc. I think it started about a week ago.
If I write a long reply, I now have to copy the text to my clipboard before I submit, in case the system does not respond and I have to retype my answer.
Although I'm sorry you're experiencing the same problems, I'm glad it's not a problem at my end!
No doubt it will be resolved as soon as.
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