Currently I've got the following (found) piece of code which colors the cell on row E on changing the value.

Which adjustments need to be made to the code in order to make it color other cells on the same row as well (e.g. columns A to C and H)?

Cheers for all your help in advance!

Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' Conditional Formatting for more than 3 conditions

    Dim rng As Range

    Set rng = Intersect(Target, Range("E:E"))
    If rng Is Nothing Then
        Exit Sub
        Dim c As Range
        For Each c In rng
            Select Case c.Text
            Case "Upcoming"
                c.Interior.ColorIndex = 34
            Case "Open"
                c.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
            Case "Pending"
                c.Interior.ColorIndex = 22
            Case "On Hold"
                c.Interior.ColorIndex = 22
            Case "Finished"
                c.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
            Case "Cancelled"
                c.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
            Case "Order Hardware"
                c.Interior.ColorIndex = 44
            Case "Awaiting Order"
                c.Interior.ColorIndex = 45
            Case "SPECIAL"
                c.Interior.ColorIndex = 43
            Case "R&M initiated"
                c.Interior.ColorIndex = 43
            Case Else
                c.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
                Exit Sub
            End Select
        Next c
    End If

End Sub