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Auto change colour of cell when text / letter entered into cell

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Nik_AU Auto change colour of cell... 12-26-2007, 05:30 AM
VBA Noob You can shorten by using the... 12-26-2007, 07:33 AM
Nik_AU Cheers, I was wondering... 12-26-2007, 07:36 AM
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    Auto change colour of cell when text / letter entered into cell

    Hi guys,

    Again I found another very helpful bit while trying to update my report.

    We had a sheet for staff leave, and I needed more than 3 options for conditional formatting, so I found some VB code and modified it as below.

    This gave me multipul options that did multipul colors. When I type the letter the cell turns the corresponding color;

    W = Yellow
    S = Green
    SN = Sky Blue
    B = Purple
    P = Light purple
    A = Dark Yellow
    BR = Grey
    J = Dark Orange
    V = Light blue

    -> Right click on worksheet and choose 'view code' - past the below anad modify cell ref's as appropriate

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim icolor As Integer
        If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B5:AF286")) Is Nothing Then
            Select Case Target
                Case "W"
                    icolor = 6
                Case "S"
                    icolor = 4
                Case "SN"
                    icolor = 33
                Case "B"
                    icolor = 7
                Case "P"
                    icolor = 39
                Case "A"
                    icolor = 44
                Case "BR"
                    icolor = 15
                Case "V"
                    icolor = 34
                Case "J"
                    icolor = 46
                Case "w"
                    icolor = 6
                Case "s"
                    icolor = 4
                Case "sn"
                    icolor = 33
                Case "b"
                    icolor = 7
                Case "p"
                    icolor = 39
                Case "a"
                    icolor = 44
                Case "br"
                    icolor = 15
                Case "v"
                    icolor = 34
                Case "j"
                    icolor = 46
                Case "W.5"
                    icolor = 6
                Case "S"
                    icolor = 4
                Case "SN"
                    icolor = 33
                Case "B.5"
                    icolor = 7
                Case "P.5"
                    icolor = 39
                Case "A.5"
                    icolor = 44
                Case "BR.5"
                    icolor = 15
                Case "V.5"
                    icolor = 34
                Case "J.5"
                    icolor = 46
                Case "w.5"
                    icolor = 6
                Case "s.5"
                    icolor = 4
                Case "sn.5"
                    icolor = 33
                Case "b.5"
                    icolor = 7
                Case "p.5"
                    icolor = 39
                Case "a.5"
                    icolor = 44
                Case "br.5"
                    icolor = 15
                Case "v.5"
                    icolor = 34
                Case "j.5"
                    icolor = 46
                Case Else
            End Select
            Target.Interior.ColorIndex = icolor
        End If
    End Sub
    Yay - works a treat
    Last edited by VBA Noob; 12-26-2007 at 05:34 AM.

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