As written, anything can be used to "mark a row".
This line details where data is put into the form/worksheet to be printed.
myAddresses = Array("E5", "E6", "B10", "E25", "B16", "C16", "D16")
As written, the code puts the first 7 values on a marked row into that output sheet. If you want to control which columns on a marked row go to the output sheet.
Dim myInputColumns as Variant:Rem this line can go at the start of the routine.
myInputColumns = Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
immediatly after the myAddresses line.
And change the line to this:
For iCtr = LBound(myAddresses) To UBound(myAddresses)
FormWks.Range(myAddresses(iCtr)).Value _
= myCell.Cells(1,myInputColumns(iCtr)).Value
By changing the 1,2,3,..,7 to the columns you want, you will get the control you want. Make sure that the myInputColumns is as large (or larger than) the myAddress array.