Hello cheelie,

Excel Toolbar File

Occasionally, the toolbar file for Excel can become corrupted. If this occurs, you may experience problems when you start Excel. In this situation, locate the toolbar file and rename it. After you rename the toolbar file, Excel rebuilds a new toolbar file the next time you start Excel.

For example, if your toolbar file name is JoeUser8.xlb, rename the file to JoeUser8.old. Then, start Excel, and notice that Excel creates a new JoeUser8.xlb file in the same location as the original toolbar file.

For additional information about the Excel toolbar file and how to identify it, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
291074 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/291074/) XL2002: Default toolbars and toolbar buttons seen instead of customizations
For additional information about another toolbar problem when you start Excel, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
215366 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/215366/) XL2000: Page fault starting Excel with Page Break menu command
Excel.pip File

Excel remembers what menus and commands have been used and displays these most recently used menus first. Excel hides the unused commands in its expandable menus. Excel stores this usage data along with menu animation settings in a file named Excel.pip.

This file can become corrupted. If this occurs, you may experience problems when you start Excel. In this situation, locate the Excel.pip file and rename it. After you rename the file, Excel rebuilds a new .pip file the next time you start Excel. Use the Windows search feature to locate the Excel.pip file.

Leith Ross