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Input Box Prompt for password

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  1. #1
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    Input Box Prompt for password

    Hi , How The Vba Code Used For

    My Excel File Name "eai.xls" ,when I Click The File , It Open The Sheet Name "menu" With The Inputbox Prompt:="put Your Id"
    When The User Put The True Id , It Will Show The Input Box Prompt:="your Password" . If The Password True Will Activate The Sheet Name "data" .and Hide All The Menu Bar.

    If The Wrong Id Name Show The Msg.box "re Enter Your True Id " ,that Also For The Wrong Password In Which If User Put More Than 3 Times Wrong , Will Close The Workbook And Exit File.

    The User Persons Allow 10 Person Id . Keep In The Table Of The Sheet Name " Id And Password" The Id No. Are In The A1:a10
    Password No. Are In B1:b10
    This Sheet Name Is Hide And Protect

  2. #2
    Forum Expert royUK's Avatar
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    Xp; 2007; 2010
    Not sure if I follow you correctly, but this might help
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    Hope that helps.

    For Excel Tips & Solutions, free examples and tutorials why not check out my web site

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  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    more help for the answer

    thank,for your help and your good example.
    but i have more problem..for you help.
    1.when input the correct username and password ,why..? it showed msg."sorry,you must enter password "
    can change code for not to show this msg. when input the correct uersname and password..
    2.you set the user="Manager" and password ="secret " can you change the code for username more than 1 person using the excel file such as 10 person ex. . "Mr.a ,Mr.b ,Mr.c ,....... and the password ...password1,password2,password3.......in your code
    3.can you modify for the user to change the username and password by themself ??
    4.can you hide all menu of excel sheet must not show after the user key correct username and password
    Last edited by pichai; 12-07-2007 at 10:12 AM.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert royUK's Avatar
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    I have re-written the code and included an examle of using multiple users with different passwords - see the Multi User Button.
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  5. #5
    Forum Contributor
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    New Queution

    Thans So Much ,Roy Uk
    May Be I Have The Wrong Queution ,I Have The Ex .For You Help Me Again
    1.I Have The Excel File , I Want To Set About 15 Users
    With Usersname And Password In The Table Of"Sheet Username And Password Control The First Use In Part 1 . All Users Can Change The Passsword" By Themself . The New Password Will Replace In The Old Password -Look As Ex.File Sheet "Username And Password Control"

    1.2 When The User Click The File . It Popup Login In Sheet "Main "
    If The Correct Username And Password . The Sheet "Main "Is Hidden And The Sheet Menu Is Show And The Menu Bar In The Sheet Menu Is Hide If The Uncorrect Password And Username Will Have The Msg .Box "Un Correct Password Or Username "
    If The Uncorrect Password Or Username More Than 3 Times The File Will Be Closed And Exit With The Msg.Box " 3 Times Uncorrect Password And Uersmane ,The File Will Closed And Exit Now"

    1.3 The User Can Change The New Password .If Click "Ok" The Sheet Main Is Hidden .The Msg.Box "Change The Password And Replace In Old Password Is Accepted "
    And The Sheet Munu Is Show With The Munu Bar Is Hidden
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    Last edited by VBA Noob; 12-08-2007 at 05:09 AM.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert royUK's Avatar
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    Xp; 2007; 2010
    i have given you twod code examples which can be adapted if you study them.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert royUK's Avatar
    Join Date
    MS-Off Ver
    Xp; 2007; 2010
    I have given you example code that you can adapt. You haven't even tried!

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