I am really close to doing what I need I have just run into a little problem. I have code to do what I need to do currently but it only works for one cell. If I try to get it to copy down through a range it loops endlessly back and forth between two values. I am sure that there is an easy way of accomplishing this. I would appreciate anyones help or suggstions. Thanks.
Here is the code that I am using on the worksheet
Now I know that the target.address is set to D2. What I would like to do is the target.address range for colum d starting with D2 going down.
I also have a module that I use to call the macros it is as follows
Now the same thing happens here I know. They way I have it coded will always perform the calculation in f2. What I am trying to accomplish is for every row I want to be able to select the value from the drop down list in D column and perform the caclulation in the corresponding f column of the same row.
I will also attach a copy of the file so people can look at what it is exactly that I am trying to accomplish.
Thanks again for the help