I currently have a considerable number of workbooks being used by several people in a number of locations.
Each of these workbooks has the same (reasonably complex) module attached.
This module is updated (when necessary) by the user setting a flag on a control sheet and then the next time the workbook opens, the old version of the code is removed and the new version is loaded.
This "code update" is handled (as I didn't know any other way at the time of writing it) by a workbook_open macro in each individual workbook.

Now to the problem.
I want to change the way this code update is handled so I need to alter the workbook_open of several hundred (probably) workbooks.
Does anyone have any idea how I could do this in an automated way?

I now have an "auto_open" sub in the module that is auto-updated.
Could I use this?

Can I use this to remove the workbook_open?

If I replaced the workbook_open with an extra bit in the auto_open, would the auto_open in the module allow that same module to be removed and then a new version added?

Hope I've explained it OK and thanks in advance for any suggestions.