I have been looking and browsing the web all day now for a macro that would really help me out. But first some background.

I have 2 worksheets in the same workbook.
The first workbook (ProductDatabase) is like a database, with the product names in column A. The second worksheet (tmpWeb) is imported from the web though a macro and then put into the second worksheet. Also in this worksheet the product names are in column A.

What I need to do is that I want to create a macro that does the following thing:

starts in the second sheet (tmpWeb), in cell A1 and then see if the same value exist in the other worksheet, ProductDatabase, somewhere in the entire column A, not just in the corresponding cell A1. If so, I then want the following value "Registered" to be put in column H in the same row. If the same value does not exist anywhere in column A, then no value needs to be added into column H.

After the macro have checked if cell A1 in tmpWeb exists somewhere in ProductDatabase-sheet in column A, I want the macro to check if cell A2 exist, and then A3, A4 and so on. Until the whole column A in tmpWeb has been checked, i guess the whole range then. (there will not be any rows between any products since the product name always must exist).

If someone could point me in the right direction how I can do this, I would be really happy!