Hello JIBG,
Great idea using the comment like that. Turns out to be simple to do to. Here is a UDF (User Defined Function) that will let you Link a Comment's Text with the Text of Another Cell. The first argument is the cell that contains the text you want to display in the comment. The Second argument is the address of comment cell.
Example of UDF call
Cell B1 contains the text for the comment
Cell C1 has a comment
The formula in cell C1 is =LinkComment(B1, C1)
Place this UDF code in a Standard VBA Module. You can then use the UDF in any cell, on any sheet in the workbook.
UDF Code
Function LinkComment(Text_Cell As Range, Comment_Cell As Range)
Dim X As Variant
X = Comment_Cell.Comment.Text(Text_Cell.Text)
LinkComment = ""
End Function
Leith Ross