Sure. Customer uses a web form on our website to place an order (example of email below) and I'd like to get that data into the excel order database. Most will just be written into a cell but it would be useful to merge some data like parts on the address with a comma between the pieces of data. All the cells are on the same sheet in the same file.
Then a person will check the integrity of the data and run a macro to start processing the order. I was also intending to get the server to open the file on a schedule and have "on open" macros to check the order status and email reminders if required.
I think I have the skills to complete the rest of the project but I can't believe how hard it appears to be to get data into an excel file from a web site! I really was expecting to find lots of guidance from a google search.
The [% INFO %] variables will be replaced by the user entered data. I have created a data section at the bottom to make the parsing easier but I can change the format of this email as required.
Customer Contact: [% contactname %]
Customer Contact Position: [% position %]
E-mail [% email %]
Phone: [% telcode %] [% telnumber %]
Company: [% company %]
[% coaddress1 %]
[% coaddress2 %]
[% cocity %]
[% copostcode %]
Ordered product:
20 Day: [% service20day %]
Purchase order number: [% ponumber %]
Customer reference number: [% customerref %]
Highway Authority: [% highways %]
Start Location Address
[% Firstlocaddress1 %]
[% Firstlocaddress2 %]
[% Firstloccity %]
[% Firstlocpostcode %]
Start Location OS Reference: [% Firstosref %]
End Location Address
[% Secondlocaddress1 %]
[% Secondlocaddress2 %]
[% Secondloccity %]
[% Secondlocpostcode %]
End Location OS Reference: [% Secondosref %]
Additional Info:
[% info %]
------BEGIN DATA------
&contactname = [% contactname %]
&position = [% position %]
&company = [% company %]
&email = [% email %]
&telcode = [% telcode %]
&telnumber = [% telnumber %]
&coaddress1 = [% coaddress1 %]
&coaddress2 = [% coaddress2 %]
&cocity = [% cocity %]
&copostcode = [% copostcode %]
&ponumber = [% ponumber %]
&customerref = [% customerref %]
&service20day = [% service20day %]
&highways = [% highways %]
&Firstlocaddress1 = [% Firstlocaddress1 %]
&Firstlocaddress2 = [% Firstlocaddress2 %]
&Firstloccity = [% Firstloccity %]
&Firstlocpostcode = [% Firstlocpostcode %]
&Firstosref = [% Firstosref %]
&Secondlocaddress1 = [% Secondlocaddress1 %]
&Secondlocaddress2 = [% Secondlocaddress2 %]
&Secondloccity = [% Secondloccity %]
&Secondlocpostcode = [% Secondlocpostcode %]
&Secondosref = [% Secondosref %]
&info = [% info %]