I have a worksheet with the columns frozen at column "F" .
Row F16 through IP16 contain dates starting with a sunday date and ending with a saturday date then repeating so you have several weeks between F16 and IP16. These are then used to record data on a weekly basis by the items in column B17 thru B63.
You then type in Cell B12 the weeks starting date you want to find and C12 the ending date, the data is the sorted and a chart is printed for the week by pressing a command button.
All this works fine and good but what I want to do is when you type a date in B12 have the columns scroll over to that date to eliminate manual scrolling.
I already have it scrolling to the the next starting week by use of
smallscroll toright: =7 this is under a command button sub that prints the chart.
But if I need to go back several weeks I would like the columns to scroll right or left based on the date in B12.
How would I code it to make this possible?