Hello, VBA Noob

A follow up question if I may.

..Your code works perfectly with a blank worksheet, utilizing a few columns/rows as a test, However, when I bring it into my final database workbook, it still works, but is very slow.
Even testing an 11 column by 20 row range takes about 8 seconds. (my worksheet length is around 700 rows.)

I'm wondering if there is an alternative workaround to achieve the same result?

I currently have this code (below) in my worksheet. When initiated by a button, it hides blank rows between 2 separate columns and takes about a second to execute.

'Hide Blanks rows in Column "O & R"
Private Sub Btn_HideRowBlank_R_Click()
  Intersect(Range("HideRow_O").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow, _
  Range("HideRow_R").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow) _
    .EntireRow.Hidden = True
End Sub
Not sure if this is helpful...

any ideas?

thanks again!
