Hello this is my first post to the forum and I am very new to VB. I have created a scheduling program that has 21 booking slots. I have a command button in each of these 21 slots that when clicked initializes a form. The code for this was easy, However what I would like to do is when I click the command button the form initializes and populates itself with the values of two cells, say for example a date from “B8” and a scenario from “C28”. I was able to get the form to populate itself when it initialized by placing the code into Initialize form area, but this only allows me the same value for all 21 slots, I require it to populate itself with 21 different sets of values depending on the button I click. In simple terms I want each of my buttons to (partially) populate the form depending on the booking slot I select. One other tidbit of info: the sheet with the info that populates the form is a worksheet called “SCHEDULING”.
this is the code I tried to use to get the button to partially populate the form (but it didn’t work):