I’m working on a macro to generate work schedules for a boat yard, and I could sure use some expert opinions. I’m taking an exported customer file from QB, running multiple, conditional delete subs, and now I need to have it calculate the next scheduled service date based on schedule type (col. G), last service date (col. M), and next scheduled service date (col. N), and enter the calculated service date to column T.
Note - The next scheduled service date (column N) is an entry that clerks make when a customer requests service outside of the normal cycle. If found and the date in col. N is >= to Today, it should override the calculated value.
Logically, the DateCalc sub should:
(1) Establish the range of the loop (G2 to last non-blank row)
(2) for each cell in the selected range, and based on the value in col. G (CType = Schedule Type (SchedType)), the value in col. M (CUSTFLD6 = Last Service Date (LastSvcDate)), calculate the next scheduled service date (NextSchedSvc);
(3) compare the value in Calculated Service Date (NextSchedSvc) to the value in col. N (CUSTFLD7 = Next Scheduled Service (NextSvcDate));
(4) if col. N is not blank and the value >= to today, then the Calculated Scheduled Service Date (NextSchedSvc) = Column N value, else the Calculated Next Scheduled Service Date (NextSchedSvc) should remain as calculated, and
(5) enter the calculated value to column T of that row
Believe it or not this is my introduction to VBA Programming. Nothing like jumping into the deep end of the pool!
I have included the entire macro code base to keep the overall structure in context. I realize that the DateCalc sub needs a boatload of work yet, but it’s prettier than it was yesterday at this time. I have also attached the customer file it’s running against. So, with all that said, what I’m struggling with at this point is (1) whether I need to define the range for other columns in addition to column G, or is it sufficient to establish a range for column G, and (2) am I on the right track in terms of my approach. For example, would I be better off doing this with a Select Case or ElseIf structure, or is the way I’m working through it equally as efficient?
Thanks in advance - Marcus
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