
My Program is rather long with lots of flicking between workbooks, so I have turned off screen updating for the whole program. However I also have a several userforms that are called by the program and these do not disapear when there are unloaded anymore. Is this due to the screen updating being off?

I also have a sliding userform (gets wider if certain options are selected and then returns to its original size). At present when the width decreases back to the original size, I am left with a very unatractive black are where the form used to be. I have tried turning on the sreen updating while the userform changes size, but this appears to make no difference.

Are these issues the result of the screen updating being off?
If so could I trun it back on the line before the 'Unload Me' statement and back of the line after to solve the problem?
If not, can you suggest what is causing the display issues?

