I am a real novice as it relates to macros and could use some assistance. I have a spreadsheet that pulls info from our Oracle database. I have data in rows A-Z. Columns A-F have descriptions (e.g. property, acct#). Columns G-T contain the actual values. Once the data is retrieved I then have a macro to delete the zero rows. What I then need is a macro to do the following:

Once my zero rows are deleted I need to have the block of data copied 3 rows below the last row of the data that was retrieved. My header line will always start at A10. The trick here is that the range of rows will change depending on the data that is retrieved and deleted.

I then need to have a separate macro created to take the newly copied block of data and then have that info copied to a new workbook within the same spreadsheet.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
