Hi all,

I have a user form which is used to activate a custom autofilter. It consists of a textbox (name: supData3) and two buttons - 'Find It!' (name: cmdSearchForm5) and 'Close' (name: supItemCls).

Everything works fine and dandy bar one little niggle. Once you've entered the word or phrase you want to search in the text box and hit return, Excel highlights the 'Close' button instead of the 'Find It' button. This is a bit of a problem for the many laze-bags I have in the office who find it difficult to use a mouse and click the 'Find It' button - they keep hitting return and closing the user form without doing the search.

Does anyone know how to make the cursor go to 'Find It' instead of 'Close', or even just to automatically run the autofilter macro once the user hits return?

