Would anyone have code to allow the sheets in a workbook to be selected from the right click menu?
Des M
Would anyone have code to allow the sheets in a workbook to be selected from the right click menu?
Des M
You can right-click on the |<< >>| buttons to the left of the sheet tabs for a list of sheets you can select. Did you want different functionality?
Thanks, but I know about the right click on <<>>. It would be better for me to have the selection list on the right click menu when I right click anywhere.
Des M
There's a free addin to create a toolbar that allows navigation to sheets here
Hope that helps.
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Thanks Roy.
I downloaded the addin and it's good but I would like to be able to select from the right click menu because it is faster than having to pick from a dropdown.
Hi there,
Have I understood correctly - you want to be able to right-click anywhere on a worksheet, display a dropdown list containing the names of all the visible worksheets, and then move automatically to the selected one?
Greg M
Here you are
The code below should be placed in Private Module of the Workbook Object (ThisWorkbook); right click on the Excel icon, top left next to File and choose View Code.
This is the navgate code, place it in a Standard module![]()
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RoyUK, thanks indeed for this and it works perfectly.
Besides solving my problem I'm trying to use it to improve my VBA. I have managed to put a divider line on top of the first sheet entry (and not get it above them all. I used IF and ws.index).
I'm now trying to put a tick mark beside the selected sheet. I have managed to get the tick mark to show (CommandBars.ActionControl.State = msoButtonDown) but I can't get it to cancel when I select another sheet. Any hints?
Greg M: thanks for replying. I was just about to respond when I got RoyUK's answer which solved the problem.
Thanks again, DesM
I have amended the code, the code below should be placed in Private Module of the Workbook Object (ThisWorkbook); right click on the Excel icon, top left next to File and choose View Code.
In a Standard Module![]()
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Hi Roy,
Many thanks for that very interesting code.
May I suggest the following small addition to the "ThisWorkbook" module:
This will ensure that the "Selected Sheet" checkbox is updated even if the user navigates via the worksheet tabs or Ctrl+Page Up/Down.![]()
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Best regards,
Greg M
Good idea Greg
Roy, thanks for the revised code. I see that it puts a tick box in the menu items. Is it possible to just use the msobuttonup/down to place a tick beside the item?
I think that to remove them I should loop through the items in the menu making its "state" = msobuttonup. Can't figure out how to look through the menu items.
However, thanks very much for your help.
Greg, thanks too for that extra bit of code.
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