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Update Chart table programmatically

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JIBG Update Chart table... 09-11-2007, 11:21 PM
JIBG Posted on "Charts Forum" one... 09-12-2007, 09:58 AM
solnajeff Dynamic Chart 09-12-2007, 12:24 PM
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    Update Chart table programmatically

    How can I update a chart with only one manually data entry ? Let say that 3 sheets;

    1.- Weekly report containing data to be plotted.
    2.- Sheet containing charTable historical data and new weekly data programmatically entered in the last row of table.
    3.- Chart sheet

    In another words I want to enter data manually only ones (in the weeklyReport) and move the data programmatically (all sheets are in the same workbook) to the rest of the report ( chartTable) and chat sheet.

    I attached a sample of my problem.

    Or if you guys have any other structure to do this report, I’m open for suggestions. The main focus is enter data only time, update chart table and plot data automatically to chart.

    I want to thanks in advance for the replays of this posting.
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