I'm new here, and am hoping someone can help me, i've racked my brains round this and i'm getting no where fast!
I have an Excel file with 2 worksheets the first worksheet has 2017 rows, each rown is the name of a package, so for example.
Combo 1
Combo 2
Combo 3
Combo 1 with Movies
Combo 2 with Movies
Combo 3 with Movies
and so on....
on the second worksheet, I have descriptions for each of the elements, so in the example quoted above, there will be 4 descriptions:
Combo 1 - Gives you 100 Programs
Combo 2 - Gives you 200 Programs
Combo 3 - Gives you 300 Programs
Movies - Gives you 100 movies
What I would like to do is take the text from the second worksheet and place it into a seperate cell along next to the package name (so if we assume the package name is column A, and the description is column B), for 2017 packages this would be extremely time consuming, so i'm trying to do this using Excels search functions and IF logic, but have had no success so far. The output of my example would be as follows:
Column A Column B
======== ===========
Combo 1 Gives you 100 Programs
Combo 2 Gives you 200 Programs
Combo 3 Gives you 300 Programs
Combo 1 with Movies Gives you 100 Programs Gives you 100 movies
Combo 2 with Movies Gives you 200 Programs Gives you 100 movies
Combo 3 with Movies Gives you 300 Programs Gives you 100 movies
Does any one have any ideas how I can create a macro that will do this?