Sorry if this has been asked before, I have tried to find a similar post.
I'm a complete newbie when it comes to VB, Excel and Word other than the most basic of use.
My question is this, I have a word document which I would like to automatically populate data from Excel into.
For instance
I would like to extract the data from A1, B1, C1, E1 into one word document.
Then work down the list and extract A1, B1, C1, E1 into another word document.
The colums I wish to export will be the same, it's only the row that will change. Ideally I would like to add a button at G1, G2, G3, G4 etc and by the clicking of this button the word document is created.
I would then be looking at adding the Word document automatically to an email to the person in the A column, their names would already be stored in Outlooks address book.
If I'm asking too much then please tell me, if the facility to do this is too difficult equally let me know. If however, there is a place on the net where someone has done the hard work and is offering the code, then please let me know.
Any help appreciated.