Hello all, my name is Nicholas and I'm new to this forum.

I have a problem with excel, I am trying to repeat a calculation at regular row intervals and was wondering if anyone would be able to assist me in solving this problem.

The application is a a flow meter that collects data of flow rates, and a program is used to dump the data into a spreadsheet with minute by minute time stamps.

there are 12 data points per each minute, and flow will be measured for two weeks (lots of data). I need to average 12 values for evey time stamped minute of data and then add these averages to get a totalized flow.

The easiest way i can think of to do this is if it were possible to average 12 rows, but the calculation is only applied at every 12 minute intervals (can i do this with the fill handle?). here is a graphical representation of my situation...

12pts/min Data

1546 12.49 Average 22.90917
1546 12.49
1546 24.99
1546 24.99
1546 24.99
1546 25
1546 24.99
1546 25
1546 24.99
1546 24.99
1546 24.99
1546 25

1547 24.99 Average 24.47167
1547 25
1547 24.99
1547 24.99
1547 24.99
1547 24.99
1547 25
1547 24.99
1547 25
1547 24.99
1547 24.99
1547 18.74

1548 18.74 Average 18.74000
1548 18.74
1548 18.74
1548 18.74
1548 18.74
1548 18.74
1548 18.74
1548 18.74
1548 18.74
1548 18.74
1548 18.74
1548 18.74

Totalized flow so far (Sum of averages) 66.12083

I want to do that for two weeks of data, which would be a very tedious copy/paste job. If anyone could show me a way to automate this calculation for the entire data set or at regular row intervals(row 1 to 20000, say), that would be fantastic and greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help,

Nicholas Edwards