Apologies for unattributed cross-post on Ozgrid.
I stripped the code down to the few lines shown below and it is now apparent that the problem is down to how I initiate the code.
1) From a button it executes ok.
2) From Macro Shortcut CTRL+J it works ok.
3) From Macro Shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+J it stops after "Workbooks.Open"
What is special about CTRL+SHIFT+J and why does it specifically stop after the Open command?
Sub UpdateDB()
Dim stAddrName As String
Dim stTemplateName As String
stTemplateName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
stAddrName = "C:\Mobile Order Addresses.xls" 'Actually a clear worksheet
Workbooks.Open Filename:=stAddrName, ReadOnly:=True
Range("A1") = "FINISHED"
End Sub