I am a novice at excel macro programming.
My Excel 2000 macro inexplicably stops after the line:
Workbooks.Open Filename:=stAddrFullname, ReadOnly:=True
1) I know that the remainder of the code is not executed because a breakpoint on the following line is never reached.
2) I know that this line is executed because the stAddrFullname workbook is clearly opened and is displayed when the code stops prematurely.
3) No error message is displayed and I have no 'OnError' instructions in the code.
4) (This is the bit I really don't understand). If I put a Breakpoint in the macro anywhere in the function preceding the "Workbooks.Open" statement, the macro reaches the Breakpoint and then runs through to completion with no problem. When I remove the breakpoint, it reverts to stopping as soon as it has opened the Workbook.
5) The stAddrFullname workbook has no macros in it.
Any ideas please? It is very hard to debug something when the debugging seems to change the sequence of events.