The following approach gives you flexibility without installing or modifying macros. Column DupNxt identifies records that are duplicated in the next row. Column Dup adds those records that have a duplicate in the prior row.
If you select columns DupNxt and Dup, Copy, PasteSpecial:Values (in place), you freeze those values and can sort your data into order by duplicates. After inspection for unusual cases, you can delete all the 1's, keeping only the "last duplicate" 2's.
The DupNxt formula is easy to change if you notice anomolies in your data, or want to apply different tests for what a "duplicate" is.
Tell me if this helps.
Author Title DupNxt Dup
4 Jim T1 1 1
5 Jim T1 0 2
6 Jim T2 0
7 Jim T3 1 1
8 Jim T3 0 2
9 Mike T3 0
10 Mike T4 0
11 Mike T5 0
12 Mike T6 0
13 Mike T7 0
14 Dave T8 0
15 Dave T9 1 1
16 Dave T9 1 1
17 Dave T9 0 2
18 Dave T10 0
19 Dave T11 0
D4 =--AND(B4=B5,C4=C5) 1 if the next record is a duplicate
E4 =IF(D4,1,IF(D3,2,"")) 1 if a duplicate, 2 if the last duplicate