I am trying to put together a Select Case macro and am having problems with the Left function on the first line. If i don't have it there the macro works fine. Does anyone have any ideas?
Sub Macro1()
CurrentSelectedCell = ActiveCell.Row
Select Case Left(Cells(CurrentSelectedCell, 1), 6).Value & " " & Cells(CurrentSelectedCell, 2).Value & " " & Cells(CurrentSelectedCell, 3).Value
Case "542851 Loadsa AirMiles"
Cells(CurrentSelectedCell, 4) = "FSA"
Case "542852 Loadsa AirMiles"
Cells(CurrentSelectedCell, 4) = "FSA2"
Case "542851 Many Many 3rd Party Error"
Cells(CurrentSelectedCell, 4) = "IPA"
Case Else
Cells(CurrentSelectedCell, 4) = ""
End Select
End Sub
Many Thanks