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Extract duplicates

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excelexcess Extract duplicates 08-04-2007, 05:18 PM
Leith Ross Hello Excelexcess, This... 08-04-2007, 11:19 PM
FrankBoston Code to move identified rows... 08-04-2007, 11:24 PM
excelexcess These solutions are very... 08-05-2007, 02:25 PM
  1. #1
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Hello Excelexcess,

    This macro will keep only the duplicate products that contain the string "ob" in them. The data must be sorted by product before the macro is run. You can change both the data table cells, and also the location of the new table (code is in blue). The macro is not designed to overwrite the original table. This is installed in the attached workbook.
    Macro Code
    'User: Excelexcess
    'URL: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=609757
    'Written: August 4, 2007
    'Author: Leith Ross
    Sub CopyDuplicates()
      Dim Cnt As Long
      Dim CopyCol As Long
      Dim CopyRng As Range
      Dim I As Long
      Dim LastRow As Long
      Dim MainRng As Range
      Dim Res As Boolean
      Dim Rng As Range
        Set MainRng = Range("A1:C16")
        Set CopyRng = Range("A21")
        ' Copy the list
          CopyCol = CopyRng.Column
          MainRng.Copy Destination:=CopyRng
        ' Determine the start and last row
          With Worksheets(CopyRng.Parent.Name)
            FirstRow = CopyRng.Row
            LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, CopyCol).End(xlUp).Row
          End With
        ' Remove unique product rows
          For I = LastRow To FirstRow + 1 Step -1
            Cnt = Cnt + 1
              If Cells(I, CopyCol + 2) <> Cells(I - 1, CopyCol + 2) Then
                If Cnt = 1 Then
                   Range(Cells(I, CopyCol), Cells(I, CopyCol + 2)).Delete (xlShiftUp)
                End If
                Cnt = 0
              End If
          Next I
        ' Recalculate the row limits
          With Worksheets(CopyRng.Parent.Name)
            FirstRow = CopyRng.Row
            LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, CopyCol).End(xlUp).Row
          End With
        ' Keep repeat locations if they contain "ob" in them
          Cnt = 0
            For I = LastRow To FirstRow + 1 Step -1
              Cnt = Cnt + 1
                If Cnt = 1 Then Set Rng = Range(Cells(I, CopyCol), Cells(I, CopyCol + 2))
              Set Rng = Union(Rng, Range(Cells(I, CopyCol), Cells(I, CopyCol + 2)))
              If InStr(1, Cells(I, CopyCol), "ob") > 0 Then Res = True
              If Cells(I, CopyCol + 2) <> Cells(I - 1, CopyCol + 2) Then
                 If Not Res Then Rng.Delete (xlShiftUp)
                 Cnt = 0
                 Res = False
              End If
          Next I
    End Sub
    Leith Ross
    Attached Files Attached Files

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