the value of x1up when it finishes is -4162 but i only have 2 row in this test example? should it not be 65536 less 2?
i have tried clearing the cells below my data but it didnt help?
the value of x1up when it finishes is -4162 but i only have 2 row in this test example? should it not be 65536 less 2?
i have tried clearing the cells below my data but it didnt help?
The instruction
do the same thing than go to max row of column 2 (for example B65536) then press 'End' and 'Up' to go to the last row of column 2.![]()
Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row 'the 2 means column 2
To fix your problem try to do so:
lastRow = Sheets("export").Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row 'the 2 means column 2 For i = 1 To lastRow 'your code next i
thanks for the help.
i sorted it buy just using
my coded
end sub
thanks for all the help its mcuh appreciated
any thoughts on the deleting sheets questions? (see post)
Why do you have a For loop inside a Do Loop?
Instead of seleting sheets & ranges all the time you could use something like this code
Macro1() Dim lLR As Long Dim lRow As Long Dim wsE As Worksheet Dim sSheetName As String Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set wsE = Sheets("export") lLR = wsE.Cells(Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row For lRow = 2 To lLR Step 1 sSheetName = wsE.Cells(lRow, "ar").Value Sheets("Template").Copy After:=Sheets(1) Sheets("Template (2)").Name = sSheetName Sheets(sSheetName).Select wsE.Cells(lRow, "a").Copy Range("E2:AA2").Select ActiveSheet.Paste wsE.Range("b" & lRow & ":c" & lRow).Copy Range("h10:h11").Select ActiveSheet.Paste wsE.Cells(lRow, "d").Copy Range("E6").Select ActiveSheet.Paste wsE.Cells(lRow, "at").Copy Range("e38").Select ActiveSheet.Paste Next lRow Set wsE = Nothing End Sub
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