Hey all. So I have an excel workbook containing two sheets, 'Sheet1' and 'Sheet2'. Sheet1 contains 5 columns (and about 600 rows) of data pulled from a database, and Sheet2 is where I ultimately want to store summaries of that data...here is an explanation of my columns in Sheet1:
A - Create_Time
B - Item
C - Status
D - Assigned_To_Group_
E - Assigned_To_Individual_
Here is an example (via pseudocode) of one thing I want to do in Sheet2:
If Sheet1!C:C = "Assigned"
Sheet2.A1 = COUNTA(Sheet1!B:B)
End If
So, for every item in column C (sheet1) that is equal to "Assigned", CountA its respective item in column B (and store the count in Sheet2 in cell A1)
Can anyone please help me with this? If it makes it easier, I don't have to use two sheets but that is my ultimate goal. thanks...