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VBA Programming!

  1. #1
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    VBA Programming!

    I have an excel 'project' which has about 12 different sheets plus the "Main" one that contains personnel Leave days.

    In one of my sheets, I have a button containing this macro:
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    This macro will simply allow the user to select ANY cell and upon pressing this button it will change the interior of the cell/s to blue, thereby letting everyone know that those are that individual's leave period.

    Right now I am doing the modifications to the leave days remaining manually on the "Main" page which in turns updates the rest of the sheets automatically, but what I really want is this:

    Upon making the selection/s of cell/s and when they press the button containing that macro above, I would like the macro to update the individual LeaveTaken so that everything gets automated.

    I have 20 days leave annualy and I will be taking 5 days leave only.

    I select under my name "Salmerin" about 5 cells and I click on the Annual button, the 5 cells will change the interior color to blue on the active sheet and on the Main sheet it will search for "Salmerin" row and replace the number under the 'Leave Taken' cell with the 5 which the remainder will be displayed as 15 and so will the rest of the sheets after that.

    Any ideas? Thanks

  2. #2
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    1) Is the "selection" to be colored going to be rows, columns or both
    2) Which column on Main contains the name?
    3) Which column on Main contains the leave taken?
    4) Is the "remainder" formula based and will process automatically, or does this have to be adjusted. If it has to be adjusted, then which column contains this number.

    Perhaps a small example file showing your layout / relevant code would help.


  3. #3
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    1) Is the "selection" to be colored going to be rows, columns or both
    Just Rows. (the macro above does this with no problem)

    2) Which column on Main contains the name?
    From A2-A20, is a list of names for each personnel.

    3) Which column on Main contains the leave taken?
    From C2-C20

    4) Is the "remainder" formula based and will process automatically, or does this have to be adjusted. If it has to be adjusted, then which column contains this number.
    The remainder formula is based on B & C Columns, whatever is entered in the 'leave taken' gets substraced from the Initial Leave (B column)

    Perhaps a small example file showing your layout / relevant code would help.

    Quick question: Is there a possibility to substract the weekends from the total amount of annual leave? Lets say I select 7 cells but two of those are 2 weekends, can I just substract them from the 7 and put them into the main?

    Thanks for your help.
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    Last edited by Salmerin; 07-19-2007 at 04:32 PM.

  4. #4
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    See it this gets you going

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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by rylo

    See it this gets you going

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    WOW!!!! It worked just fine!
    Thank you so much Rylo!

  6. #6
    Forum Expert
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    Here goes as requested. I've put some comments for each line

    'dimension the variables
    Dim FindIT As Range, DayRng As Range, Scnt As Long

    'create an object that is the position of the find function. If you have a selection, then it you can find the row. The cells(selection.row, 1) will give you the value in A1 of your selection and this is what you are searching for.
    Set FindIT = Sheets("Main").Range("A:A").Find(what:=Cells(Selection.Row, 1).Value, lookat:=xlWhole)

    'Set another object range that covers the days from row 3 that matches the selection. Cells(3,selection.column) will give the first cell. Resize(1,selection.columns.count) gives a 1 row x n column array that is the same size as your selection. Effectively selects the days from row 3 that matches your selection range.
    Set DayRng = Cells(3, Selection.Column).Resize(1, Selection.Columns.Count)

    'uses the countif function to find the number of "S" items in the "days" range
    Scnt = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(DayRng, "S")

    'goes 2 columns to the right of the findit range object, and adds the number of cells in the selection less any "S" items to the number that was in that cell.
    FindIT.Offset(0, 2).Value = FindIT.Offset(0, 2).Value + Selection.Columns.Count - Scnt

    If that doesn't make sense, don't hesitate to come back again.


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