Just Rows. (the macro above does this with no problem)1) Is the "selection" to be colored going to be rows, columns or both
From A2-A20, is a list of names for each personnel.2) Which column on Main contains the name?
From C2-C203) Which column on Main contains the leave taken?
The remainder formula is based on B & C Columns, whatever is entered in the 'leave taken' gets substraced from the Initial Leave (B column)4) Is the "remainder" formula based and will process automatically, or does this have to be adjusted. If it has to be adjusted, then which column contains this number.
Perhaps a small example file showing your layout / relevant code would help.
Quick question: Is there a possibility to substract the weekends from the total amount of annual leave? Lets say I select 7 cells but two of those are 2 weekends, can I just substract them from the 7 and put them into the main?
Thanks for your help.