I'm back again. I'm trying to set up a conditional formatting macro to evaluate 2 pieces of data in each row and set the cell background color based on the value of those 2 cells if it can be done. I can get it to do it with 1 condition, but not both.
What I have is a spreadsheet with several hundred rows, and columns A-N. Column I is called LOB and column M is called Date Added. I need the macro to see if the date in the Date Added column for each row is less than todays date, and then see if the data in the LOB column for each row is equal to either Auto or Home. If the date is less than today's date and the LOB equals Auto or Home, I want it to change the cell color for that row, columns A-N to a specific color. If all of the above criteria aren't met, I don't want it to do anything to the row.
Does that make sense? Thanks in Advance!