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processing a string by Excel

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  1. #1
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    processing a string by Excel

    I get equation in the form of a string from the output of a software that I want to modify by Excel. I am no expert in Excel and I am wondering if some expert in Excel at this forum can do this for me.
    Pls see the attached Excel file. The string in cell A1 is an example string that I will be explaining how I want this string to be modified. Here are the attributes of the string.

    a. The string will have ASCII characters in it.

    b. The string is a mathematical equation. I will be pasting it into Mathcad once the Excel program modifies it.

    c. The string has parameters and mathematical operators in it (+,-,*,/,^). Each parameter is seperated from another parameter by at least one space. There is no space in a parameter. So, each parameter starts with a space and ends with a space. The parameters of the example string in cell A1 are listed from cells A5 to A14 in the attached file.

    d. If a parameter has paranthesis in it (), then the program will disregard any character in the parameter outside the paranthesis and take the characters inside the paranthesis. For example, it will modify the parameter in cell A5 from "F(u)_X1" to "u". If the parameter has no paranthesis in it, like the one in cell A14, then it will take it as is.

    e. The format of the string is such that the multiplication sign may be omitted between parameters. If there is no mathematical operator between two adjacent parameters, it should be assumed that the math operator between them is multiplication. So, the Excel program should insert a multiplication sign between them.

    f. Then the program will reassemple the string in the form of an equation by appropriately keeping the mathematical operators in the original expression.

    The cells B5 to B14 show the modified parameters of the original parameters in the string in cell A1. The Excel program should put together the parameters in B5 to B14 as shown in cell A18.

    I will appreciate if someone can write an Excel program for me that accomplishes this. Many thanks.

    Mark Neil
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  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor mudraker's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Australia
    I think this will do what you want - It can only cope with one lot of multiple (( & )) brackets

    It only looks at cell A1 & displays the result in a message box

    Code can be modified to run down a column & place the result into another column

    Sub ConvertTxtToFormula()
       Dim i4Cnt As Integer
       Dim sCellTxt As String
       Dim sParam As String
       Dim sChar As String
       Dim sFormula As String
       Dim iPos(4) As Integer
       sCellTxt = Range("a1").Value
       For i4Cnt = 1 To Len(sCellTxt) Step 1
          sChar = Mid(sCellTxt, i4Cnt, 1)
          Select Case sChar
          Case "("
             If i4Cnt = 1 Then
                iPos(0) = 1
                iPos(1) = i4Cnt
                iPos(1) = i4Cnt + 1
             End If
          Case ")"
             If Mid(sCellTxt, i4Cnt - 1, 2) = "))" Then
                iPos(1) = i4Cnt - 1
             End If
             iPos(0) = (i4Cnt) - iPos(1)
          Case "-", "+,", "/", "*", "^"
             iPos(1) = i4Cnt
             iPos(0) = 1
          End Select
          If iPos(0) > 0 Then
             sParam = Mid(sCellTxt, iPos(1), iPos(0))
             iPos(0) = 0
             Select Case Right(sFormula, 1)
             Case "-", "+,", "/", "*", "^", ""
                sFormula = sFormula & sParam
             Case Else
                Select Case sParam
                Case "-", "+,", "/", "*", "^"
                   sFormula = sFormula & sParam
                Case Else
                   sFormula = sFormula & "*" & sParam
                End Select
                If sParam = ")" Then
                   sParam = Trim(Mid(sCellTxt, i4Cnt + 1))
                   Select Case sParam
                   Case "-", "+,", "/", "*", "^"
                      sFormula = sFormula & sParam
                   Case Else
                      sFormula = sFormula & "*" & sParam
                   End Select
                   Exit For
                End If
             End Select
          End If
       Next i4Cnt
       MsgBox sFormula
    End Sub
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  3. #3
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    processing a string by Excel

    Hi Mudraker,
    Thanks a lot for your reply. I appreciate it.
    I have noticed an error in the expression. There is a redundant * sign right before the closing paranthesis in the example in Book1.xls file. It should not there. Also, I have run the script on more examples and noticed that it doesn't do quite what it is supposed to do. One more thing is that I will copy the resultant expression and paste it in Mathcad. Can the program write the result in a cell instead of message box?
    I have attached another Excel file (Book11.xls) to this post including more examples for string. Cell A1 is the same example as you worked on. Cells A2 and A3 are new examples to test the script for.
    The strings have parantesis that grabs the whole expression as well as paranthesis in the string parameters. It requires extra effort in programming to diffrentiate between them. Therefore, I have the option to use some other type of parantesis in the parameters. For example, I can use square brackets "[]" or curly parantesis "{}" in the parameters. I think this may make the programming easier since the program keeps the paranthesis as is () and detects the square brackets (or or curly paranthesis) in the parameters and modify the expression accordingly. Cell A4 in the attached file has an expression that uses square brackets within parameters. The expression in A4 is the same expression as in A3 except the square brackets. Cells A7 to A9 has the modified expressions of the strings in A1 to A3, respectively.

    Thanks in advance.

    Mark Neil
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  4. #4
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    processing a string

    Thanks for your help.
    I have added three more examples of string in the file attached (Book111.xls). The first three are the same as in Book11.xls. But I changed them so that parameters have brackets instead of paranthesis.
    Strings from A4 to A6 are new.
    I have noticed that the parameters in the string A1 have extra characters after a closing bracket "]" while all the parameters in the strings in A2 and A3 end with a bracket. I have a hunch that if you add to the program the intelligence that it ignores rest of the parameter until the next space once it detects a closing bracket, it would work just fine.

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  5. #5
    Valued Forum Contributor mudraker's Avatar
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    It's taken a while to get all the bugs out.

    The answers you supplied for the last 2 equations, to me appears to be incorrect - You left a ] in both of them & the last one is missing the 1st )

    The extra examples helped me to code the macro to deliver the results you are after

    This macro loops through column A starting at row 1 to the last used row in column A, Places the result in column B of the same row

    Please test as fully as possible.

    Sub ExtractFormula()
       Dim bAdd As Boolean
       Dim iTxtLen As Integer
       Dim i4Len As Integer
       Dim l4Row As Long
       Dim sCval As String
       Dim sFormula As String
       Dim sParam As String
       Dim sOp As String
       For l4Row = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row Step 1
          sCval = Cells(l4Row, "a")
          iTxtLen = Len(sCval)
          bAdd = True
          For i4Len = 1 To iTxtLen Step 1
             Select Case Mid(sCval, i4Len, 1)
             Case "(", ")"
                If Len(sOp) = 1 Then
                   sFormula = sFormula & sOp & sParam
                   sOp = vbNullString
                   If Len(sParam) > 0 Then
                      Select Case sParam
                      Case "-", "+", "/", "*", "^"
                         sFormula = sFormula & sParam
                      Case Else
                         sFormula = sFormula & "*" & sParam
                      End Select
                   End If
                End If
                sParam = vbNullString
                sFormula = sFormula & Mid(sCval, i4Len, 1)
                bAdd = True
             Case " "
                bAdd = True
                If Len(sParam) > 0 Then
                   Select Case sParam
                   Case "-", "+", "/", "*", "^"
                      sOp = sParam
                   Case Else
                      If Len(sOp) = 1 Then
                         sFormula = sFormula & sOp & sParam
                         sOp = vbNullString
                         If Right(sFormula, 1) = "(" Then
                            sFormula = sFormula & sParam
                            Select Case Left(sParam, 1)
                            Case "-", "+", "/", "*", "^"
                               sFormula = sFormula & sParam
                            Case Else
                               sFormula = sFormula & "*" & sParam
                            End Select
                         End If
                      End If
                   End Select
                End If
                sParam = vbNullString
             Case Else
                Select Case Mid(sCval, i4Len, 1)
                Case "["
                   sParam = vbNullString
                Case "]"
                   bAdd = False
                Case Else
                   If bAdd = True Then
                      sParam = sParam & Mid(sCval, i4Len, 1)
                   End If
                End Select
             End Select
          Next i4Len
          If Len(sParam) > 0 Then
             If Len(sOp) = 1 Then
                sFormula = sFormula & sOp & sParam
                sFormula = sFormula & "*" & sParam
             End If
          End If
          Cells(l4Row, "b").Value = sFormula
          sFormula = vbNullString
          sOp = vbNullString
          sParam = vbNullString
       Next l4Row
    End Sub

  6. #6
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    processing a string by Excel

    Hi Norm,
    Thanks a lot for your effort in writing this program. I have tested it in few sample strings and it works just fine. This was great help for me.
    Could you do a minor modification to this program? Instead of writing the result to column B, can you write them to column A in order by skipping one row from the last expression.
    Even if this is not done, the present version does the job for me. Thanks a lot again :-)


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