It's taken a while to get all the bugs out.
The answers you supplied for the last 2 equations, to me appears to be incorrect - You left a ] in both of them & the last one is missing the 1st )
The extra examples helped me to code the macro to deliver the results you are after
This macro loops through column A starting at row 1 to the last used row in column A, Places the result in column B of the same row
Please test as fully as possible.
Sub ExtractFormula()
Dim bAdd As Boolean
Dim iTxtLen As Integer
Dim i4Len As Integer
Dim l4Row As Long
Dim sCval As String
Dim sFormula As String
Dim sParam As String
Dim sOp As String
For l4Row = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row Step 1
sCval = Cells(l4Row, "a")
iTxtLen = Len(sCval)
bAdd = True
For i4Len = 1 To iTxtLen Step 1
Select Case Mid(sCval, i4Len, 1)
Case "(", ")"
If Len(sOp) = 1 Then
sFormula = sFormula & sOp & sParam
sOp = vbNullString
If Len(sParam) > 0 Then
Select Case sParam
Case "-", "+", "/", "*", "^"
sFormula = sFormula & sParam
Case Else
sFormula = sFormula & "*" & sParam
End Select
End If
End If
sParam = vbNullString
sFormula = sFormula & Mid(sCval, i4Len, 1)
bAdd = True
Case " "
bAdd = True
If Len(sParam) > 0 Then
Select Case sParam
Case "-", "+", "/", "*", "^"
sOp = sParam
Case Else
If Len(sOp) = 1 Then
sFormula = sFormula & sOp & sParam
sOp = vbNullString
If Right(sFormula, 1) = "(" Then
sFormula = sFormula & sParam
Select Case Left(sParam, 1)
Case "-", "+", "/", "*", "^"
sFormula = sFormula & sParam
Case Else
sFormula = sFormula & "*" & sParam
End Select
End If
End If
End Select
End If
sParam = vbNullString
Case Else
Select Case Mid(sCval, i4Len, 1)
Case "["
sParam = vbNullString
Case "]"
bAdd = False
Case Else
If bAdd = True Then
sParam = sParam & Mid(sCval, i4Len, 1)
End If
End Select
End Select
Next i4Len
If Len(sParam) > 0 Then
If Len(sOp) = 1 Then
sFormula = sFormula & sOp & sParam
sFormula = sFormula & "*" & sParam
End If
End If
Cells(l4Row, "b").Value = sFormula
sFormula = vbNullString
sOp = vbNullString
sParam = vbNullString
Next l4Row
End Sub