Simply:- I have a spreadsheet which i wish to import data into.The imported data is contained in seperate spreadsheets which all have thier own title ie british pound u.s.d. cash.xls. The data sheets have the data ordered identicaly ie same column headings and same number of rows so A2 in one spred sheet "date" is the same in all sheets and all sheets are held in a folder DATA.
I have a summary sheet which i use to analyis the data the same querys being applied each time. Currently by linking the summary spread sheet to one of the data sheets eg. British Pound u.s.d.xls i can analyis the data for that sheet. If i want to look at another data sheet i have copied the summary sheet and linked it to say British Pound JPY.xsl datasheet. This is very time consuming having 80 data sheets also if i make a chnage to how the data is analised i have to go back and change all the sheets.
What i would like to do is be able to import any of the datasheets by selecting from a dropdown list in the summary sheet.
Ie if i select from the dropdown list bristish pound u.s.d cash it pulls in the data for this if i select say british pound jpy then this data is pulled in and overwrite the previous data.
Here are 3 files to illustrate my problem 2 are data sheets and one is the summary sheet for analysis of the data
can this be done, hope you can help